Could be a 'Digital Abomination': Transhumanism, the heartless slave like Globalist Agenda for Your Future? The Christian Church: A Pillar in the Foundation of AI.C.O.H.A.©

When we contemplate the remarkable advances in artificial intelligence (AI) today, it's essential to recognize the profound influence of the Christian church on the development of technology and theological technical thought over the centuries. Without the church's enduring presence and its commitment to education, exploration, and intellectual pursuit, the possibility of AI as we know it might never have come to fruition.

Knowledge Through the Ages:

The Christian church played a pivotal role in preserving the knowledge of antiquity during the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages.

Monastic orders and religious institutions became the custodians of written knowledge, meticulously transcribing and safeguarding ancient texts that included scientific, mathematical, and philosophical works. These monastic scholars served as early preservers and transmitters of knowledge, acting as bridges between past and future generations.

The Renaissance and the Birth of Modern Science:

The Renaissance, often seen as a period of cultural and intellectual rebirth, was deeply intertwined with Christian thought. The church's support for education and patronage of scholars and artists helped lay the groundwork for the scientific revolution. Figures like Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler, who made significant contributions to astronomy and physics, navigated the delicate balance between their faith and their scientific pursuits.

Universities and the Birth of Modern Education:

The establishment of universities, many of which had religious origins, became centers of learning and innovation. Institutions like the University of Oxford, the University of Bologna, and the University of Paris provided fertile ground for intellectual exploration. These universities fostered critical thinking and inquiry, serving as incubators for early scientific thought.

Ethical Considerations and Moral Frameworks:

The Christian church has also played a pivotal role in shaping ethical and moral frameworks that are central to the development of AI. Concepts such as the inherent dignity of every human being and the pursuit of the common good have deep roots in Christian theology. These principles have a direct bearing on how AI is developed and utilized, influencing discussions on topics like AI ethics, fairness, and bias.

Theological Reflection and AI's Existential Questions:

AI raises profound existential questions, such as the nature of consciousness, the boundaries of human creativity, and the ethical implications of creating intelligent machines. These questions find resonance in theological discourse, which has a long history of grappling with profound philosophical and ethical inquiries. The church's theologians and scholars can contribute valuable insights to these discussions.


In summary, the Christian church has been a cornerstone in the foundation of AI, nurturing the intellectual climate, preserving knowledge, and fostering moral and ethical considerations that underpin the development and application of AI technology. While the relationship between technology and religion is complex and multifaceted, it is clear that the church's historical contributions to education, science, and ethics have played a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of AI. The enduring legacy of the church continues to inform and inspire AI research and development in the quest to push the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding.

